• Sunflower microgreens are one of the most popular types of microgreens grown.

  • sweet, mucilaginous, succulent leaves and stems are very much sought-after in the salads, braised and stir-fries.

  • Spinach microgreens are delicious and mild (slight sweet) in taste.

  • Mustard green is a popular choice of microgreens that has many different varieties.

  • Leek microgreen, just like chives, has the seed hulls floating on the tip. It has a unique aroma and intense onion/garlic-like flavor, a perfect seasoning for dishes, salad, or soup.

  • One of my favorites, the light purple stem of Kohlrabi microgreen, is beautiful and quite easy to grow.

  • It has a light cabbage-like taste and is very suitable to use in sandwiches or as a salad base. Common name Kohlrabi, German turnip, Cabbage Turnip Pre soak No Flavor Mild, sweet Color Bold green leaves, white/purplish stems Nutrition Vitamin K, Vitamin C, beta-carotene, lutein, violaxanthin [10] Health Benefits Promote blood clotting,…

  • Kale is a very popular microgreen that comes with a broccoli-like mild taste. And for that, some people do not like the taste very much.

  • Fennel microgreens look pretty much like common lawn weeds with the stubborn seed hulls attached. It’s often used as a herb and food garnishing due to its anise-like aromatic flavor.

  • Dill has a tall and grass-like willowy appearance. Due to its bright and zesty taste, dill is commonly used in dish garnishing for soup, fish, and seafood plates.

  • Cilantro, also known as coriander, is a slow-growing popular microgreen. It has a pungently sweet aroma and tastes a little like parsley.

  • Chives microgreens look a lot like miniature scallions or green onions. Chives can be grown on either the soil or hydroponic medium, for some reason, however, it’s a very slow grower.